Privacy Policy


We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Your personal information is collected and protected in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

We use this personal information to communicate with you and for marketing purposes.

We may use the information we collect from you to notify you of the other activities of Never Really. Never Really may ask specific questions that help us provide better services to you. These details are always kept secure and you may refrain from providing these details or request access and/ or amended these records.

You may send you e-newsletter or other information, however, if you would rather not receive this information please unsubscribe.

Our website may contain links to websites of other organisations. Never Really takes no responsibility for the privacy policy or content of these linked websites. We suggest you view each site’s privacy policy in full before entering personal information about yourself.

Never Really takes reasonable measures to protect personal information it holds from loss, misuse, modification and disclosure. If we no longer require this personal information we will securely destroy this information and delete it from our system.

Disclosing your information
The personal information we collect will not be sold, lent, disclosed or given to any external organization except for third party contractors as set out below.

Never Really may engage third party contractors to perform services such as mail-outs or web-hosting, which involve handling personal information. Never Really requires such contractors to comply with the National Privacy Principles and takes reasonable steps to prohibit contractors from using personal information except for the purposes for which it was supplied.

Ensuring we hold accurate information
Never Really takes reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information we collect and use is accurate, complete and up-to-date.  However, the accuracy of this information to a large extent depends on the information you provide. We recommend that you keep us up-to-date with changes to personal information.

You can access your personal information
You have a right to access your personal information. If you would like to do so, for security reasons, please make this request in writing and Never Really will provide you with access to your information which it holds unless there is an exemption which applies under the Privacy Act. Please contact us at

Never Really reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Notification will be provided by posting an updated version of the Privacy Policy on the Never Really website.